Welcome to my Emerald Luxury Family Research Page 

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Emerald Luxury Package

Maternal or Paternal line researched

This luxury extended Emerald package gives you the amazing leather bound & gold embossed ancestry report book and matching binder and includes a significantly more in-depth search for your ancestors and family tree members. The findings from this extended time research will give you a much better overall view of your British family roots.
Fixed Price £730   

This Luxury Emerald package includes:

Information on siblings and their family relationships for each of generation head of family
Research all generations back as far as records allow
Printed family reports & source documents 
Leather bound & gold embossed 4 ringed documents binder
Leather bound & gold embossed family ancestry report book
Printed source documents – census reports, birth, death, marriage cert’s, genealogy report
All printed source files enclosed in acid-free clear document pockets
Printed A3 size Family Tree chart 5/6 generations
Digital GEDCOM family tree file
Digital source records files can be saved on either C.D or memory stick.
Order Package
Emerald family tree @uk genealogy com

My research may reveal somewhere in history you are descended from famous British family lines.

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